Ahnlab Isf 2020

The goal of every information security professional is to enable the organisation to conduct its business safely and securely, and to successfully avoid threats. But between all of the research, planning, and meetings, and a secure operating environment, lies a critical link: the organisation’s security policies and standards.

  1. Ahnlab Isf 2020 Conference
  2. Ahnlab Isf 2020 Corvette
  3. Ahnlab Isf 2020 Schedule
  4. Ahnlab Isf 2020 Calendar

AhnLab Recognized as 2020 South Korea Endpoint Security Vendor of the Year for Two Consecutive Years; AhnLab V3 Nominated as Top Product by AV-TEST on October 2020 Evaluation; AhnLab Warns of Phishing Website Disguised as Popular Out-of-Stock Items. AhnLab ISF SQUARE 2019 with Partner. 참가자 개인정보 입력 회사명 부서명 성함 직함 휴대폰 번호 -회사 전화번호 -이메일 안랩의 행사 진행 및 제품/서비스, 행사 정보를 제공해 드리기 위해 아래의 개인정보를. AhnLab ISF 2020 Virtual Conference의 배경에는 보안 인텔리전스 공유에 대한 안랩의 사명과 발빠른 비대면 트렌드 수용이 자리하고 있다. 지난 25년 간, 국내 정보보안을 선도해온 안랩은 AISF라는 보안 지식 공유. 판교 이슈 '안랩 ISF 2020 버추얼 컨퍼런스(AhnLab ISF 2020 Virtual Conference)' 온라인 개최 이은실 2020-10-08 -10.21(수)22(목) 이틀간 온라인으로 보안 위협 트렌드 및 대응 전략 발표, 실시간 질의 응답 등 '언택트' 방식으로 진행. BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 16.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Korea Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:16000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0900 TZOFFSETTO:+0900 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20218Z DESCRIPTION:2020년 10월 21일(수) 14:0016:30 Market & Tech Trend.

The Standard of Good Practice for Information Security 2020 (SOGP 2020) provides a business-orientated focus on current and emerging information security issues and helps organisations develop an effective framework for information security policies, standards and procedures


This latest edition of the SOGP includes new or enhanced coverage of the following Categories, Areas and Topics: Security Workforce, Core Cloud Security Controls, Security Operation Centres, Mobile Application Management, Asset Registers, Security Assurance, Supply Chain Management and Security Event Management.

SOGP 2020 is used by ISF Members to:

  • improve resilience against the ever-changing threat landscape
  • provide a foundation for your information risk assessments
  • validate information security arrangements in the supply chain
  • support compliance with major information security related standards
  • form a basis for policies, standards and procedures.

This Executive Summary, aimed at executive management provides an overview of how ISF Members use the Standard of Good Practice for Information Security 2020 (SOGP 2020) to respond to rapidly evolving threats, technology and compliance.

Executive Summary and Press Release

Please fill out the form below to download a complimentary Executive Summary and Press Release.

26 Mar 2020

Ahnlab Isf 2020

Already an ISF Member? Download the SOGP 2020 here >

The ISF is pleased to announce the release of the Standard of Good Practice for Information Security 2020 (SOGP 2020).

During these unprecedented times, the SOGP 2020 provides a timely focus on current and emerging information security issues. With its comprehensive coverage of information security controls and information risk-related guidance, SOGP 2020 provides Members with a leading and internationally recognised set of good practice covering all aspects of cyber resilience, information security and risk management.

Ahnlab Isf 2020

Ahnlab Isf 2020 Conference

This latest edition of the SOGP includes new or enhanced coverage of the following Categories, Areas and Topics:

Ahnlab Isf 2020 Corvette

  • Security Workforce
  • Core Cloud Security Controls
  • Security Operation Centres
  • Mobile Application Management
  • Asset Registers
  • Security Assurance
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Security Event Management.

ISF Members can view the report here >

Ahnlab Isf 2020 Schedule

Not a Member?

Ahnlab Isf 2020 Calendar

If you are interested in the Standard of Good Practice for Information Security 2020 but are not a Member of the ISF, please fill out the form below and a member of the team will be in touch shortly.