Redis Connection Refused Mac

The CLIENT LIST command returns information and statistics about the client connections server in a mostly human readable format.

You can use one of the optional subcommands to filter the list. The TYPE type subcommand filters the list by clients' type, where type is one of normal, master, replica, and pubsub. Note that clients blocked by the MONITOR command belong to the normal class.

A: connection to be closed ASAP b: the client is waiting in a blocking operation c: connection to be closed after writing entire reply d: a watched keys has been modified - EXEC will fail i: the client is waiting for a VM I/O (deprecated) M: the client is a master N: no specific flag set O: the client is a client in MONITOR mode P: the client. There is redis service running on centos 7.6 it looks fine there,( I try to connect this client from another machine in same network( There is incoming request from. Redis Desktop Manager is a cross-platform desktop Redis client, available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux desktops. It’s freely available under the MIT LGPL license. Like most other Redis GUIs, it allows you to connect simultaneously to multiple Redis databases or instances, inspect and modify your data and use an interactive terminal.

The ID filter only returns entries for clients with IDs matching the client-id arguments.

*Return value

Bulk string reply: a unique string, formatted as follows:

  • One client connection per line (separated by LF)
  • Each line is composed of a succession of property=value fields separated by a space character.

Here is the meaning of the fields:

Redis Connection Refused

  • id: an unique 64-bit client ID.
  • name: the name set by the client with CLIENT SETNAME
  • addr: address/port of the client
  • laddr: address/port of local address client connected to (bind address)
  • fd: file descriptor corresponding to the socket
  • age: total duration of the connection in seconds
  • idle: idle time of the connection in seconds
  • flags: client flags (see below)
  • db: current database ID
  • sub: number of channel subscriptions
  • psub: number of pattern matching subscriptions
  • multi: number of commands in a MULTI/EXEC context
  • qbuf: query buffer length (0 means no query pending)
  • qbuf-free: free space of the query buffer (0 means the buffer is full)
  • obl: output buffer length
  • oll: output list length (replies are queued in this list when the buffer is full)
  • omem: output buffer memory usage
  • events: file descriptor events (see below)
  • cmd: last command played
  • argv-mem: incomplete arguments for the next command (already extracted from query buffer)
  • tot-mem: total memory consumed by this client in its various buffers
  • redir: client id of current client tracking redirection
  • user: the authenticated username of the client

Redis Show Connections

The client flags can be a combination of:

The file descriptor events can be:


New fields are regularly added for debugging purpose. Some could be removed in the future. A version safe Redis client using this command should parse the output accordingly (i.e. handling gracefully missing fields, skipping unknown fields).


Redis Connection Refused Mac Os

Redis connection refused mac catalina
  • >= 2.8.12: Added unique client id field.
  • >= 5.0: Added optional TYPE filter.
  • >= 6.2: Added laddr field and the optional ID filter.

Related commands

After initialization is complete, Sentinel will actively communicate with master, slave, to obtain their information.
Get Primary Server information
First, Sentinel will establish two connections with master, which are command connections and subscription connections (stored in the CC and PC fields of Sentinelredisinstance, respectively).

The code is as followsCopy Code
void Sentinelhandleredisinstance (Sentinelredisinstance *ri) {
Sentinelreconnectinstance (RI);
#define Sentinel_hello_channel '__sentinel__:hello'

Redis Connection Exception

Redis connection refused mac high sierra

The command connection is used for subsequent access to master's information (including slave information), and subscriptions (Sentinel:hello Channels) are used to push messages such as the drop state of master.
When the connection is complete, Sentinel sends a message periodically:

Mac Redis Client

The code is as followsCopy Code
void Sentinelsendperiodiccommands (Sentinelredisinstance *ri) {
mstime_t now = Mstime ();
mstime_t Info_period, Ping_period;
int retval;
/* Return ASAP If we have already a PING or INFO already pending, or
* In the case, the instance is not properly connected. */
if (Ri->flags & sri_disconnected) return;
/* for INFO, PING, PUBLISH this are not critical commands to send we
* Also have a limit of sentinel_max_pending_commands. We don ' t
* Want to use a lot of memory just because a link isn't not working
* Properly (note that anyway there are a redundant protection about this,
* That is, the link would be disconnected and reconnected if a long
* Timeout condition is detected. */
if (ri->pending_commands >= sentinel_max_pending_commands) return;
/* If This is a slave of the A master in o_down condition we start sending
* It INFO every second, instead of the usual sentinel_info_period
* Period. In the We want to closely monitor slaves in case they
* are turned into Masters by another Sentinel, or by the sysadmin. */
INFO command The default send interval is 10s #define SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD 10000
If you are a slave for a master that has been down, change the 1s
if (Ri->flags & Sri_slave) &&
(Ri->master->flags & (sri_o_down| sri_failover_in_progress))) {
Info_period = 1000;
} else {
Info_period = Sentinel_info_period;
/* We Ping instances every time, received Pong is older than
* The configured ' Down-after-milliseconds ' time, but every second
* Anyway if ' down-after-milliseconds ' is greater than 1 second. */
PING command default interval 1s #define SENTINEL_PING_PERIOD 1000
Ping_period = ri->down_after_period;
if (Ping_period > Sentinel_ping_period) Ping_period = Sentinel_ping_period;
if (Ri->flags & Sri_sentinel) = = 0 &&
(Ri->info_refresh = 0 | |
(Now-ri->info_refresh) > Info_period))
/* Send INFO to Masters and slaves, not sentinels. */
retval = Redisasynccommand (RI->CC,
Sentinelinforeplycallback, NULL, 'INFO');
if (retval = = REDIS_OK) ri->pending_commands++;
else if ((now-ri->last_pong_time) > ping_period) {
/* Send PING to all three kinds of instances. */
Sentinelsendping (RI);
else if ((now-ri->last_pub_time) > Sentinel_publish_period) {
/* PUBLISH Hello messages to the three kinds of instances. */
Sentinelsendhello (RI);

Handling the return of info message:

code is as follows copy code
void Sentinelinforeplycallback (Redisasynccontext *c, void *reply, void *privdata) {
Sentinelredisinstance *ri = c->data;
redisreply *r;
redis_notused (privdata);
if (RI) ri->pending_commands--
if (!reply | |!ri) return;
r = reply;
if (R->type = redis_reply_string) {
Sentinelrefreshinstanceinfo (RI,R->STR);

This is for Info,sentinel sent to master:
1. Get Master run_id Records, check master role, update the master list of your own maintenance
2. Copy the fields, get master's slave list, update the slave list that you maintain
Get slave information
Similarly, Sentinel sends the info command to the slave at the same frequency and extracts the following parameters:
* run_id
* Role
* Master's host and port
* The connection status of the master-slave server (master_link_status)
* Slave priority (slave_priority)
* Slave replication offset (slave_repl_offset)
and update the SENTINELREDISINSTANCE structure that you maintain.
Send and receive subscription information
Sentinel sends information to all master and slave through a command connection per second.

The code is as followsCopy Code
int Sentinelsendhello (sentinelredisinstance *ri) {
Char Ip[redis_ip_str_len];
Char payload[redis_ip_str_len+1024];
int retval;
Char *announce_ip;
int announce_port;
Sentinelredisinstance *master = (ri->flags & Sri_master)? ri:ri->master;
Sentineladdr *master_addr = sentinelgetcurrentmasteraddress (master);
if (Ri->flags & sri_disconnected) return redis_err;
/* Use the specified announce address if specified, otherwise try to
* Obtain our own IP address. */
Announce_ip = sentinel.announce_ip;
} else {
if (Anetsockname (ri->cc->c.fd,ip,sizeof (IP), NULL) = =-1)
return redis_err;
Announce_port = Sentinel.announce_port?
/* Format and send the Hello message. */
snprintf (payload,sizeof (payload),
'%s,%d,%s,%llu,'/* Info about this Sentinel. */
'%s,%s,%d,%llu',/* Info about current master. */
Announce_ip, Announce_port, Server.runid,
(unsigned long long) Sentinel.current_epoch,
/* --- */
(unsigned long long) master->config_epoch);
retval = Redisasynccommand (RI->CC,
Sentinelpublishreplycallback, NULL, 'PUBLISH%s%s',
if (retval!= REDIS_OK) return redis_err;
return REDIS_OK;
Redis Connection Refused Mac

Send content includes:
* Sentinel IP (ANNOUNCE_IP)
* Sentinel Port (Announce_port)
* Sentinel Run ID (server.runid)
* Sentinel Configuration era (Sentinel.current_epoch)
* Master Name (master->name)
* Master Port (Master_addr->port)
* Master era (Master->config_epoch)
At the same time, all Sentinel connected to this master will receive the message and then respond:
* Update Sentinels Dictionary
* Create a command connection to connect to other Sentinel