Download BlueStacks Version full offline installer. Bluestacks is a full rooted Bluestacks installer & you can download here from In this Bluestacks version, you can run all latest games & apps without any restriction. So download & play. Download bluestacks 32 bit for free. Mobile Phone Tools downloads - BlueStacks by BlueStack Systems, Inc. And many more programs are available for instant and free download. The files are unpacked and the process of configuration and installation runs automatically. Just choose the path of the app, tick any additional items if needed and wait a couple of minutes! To download Bluestacks 1 version go to the bottom of this page and start using an app in minutes. Bluestacks App Player 1 can be superb helpful in such cases.
Download on this page Bluestacks for your PC or Laptop with Windows XP/7/8/8.1/ 10. Bluestacks is an Android emulator for Windows that is capable to run native Android applications in a PC. You can run games or all kinds of applications that you already know of Android and you would have liked to run them from your computer. Now you can do it and practically without any error because Bluestacks is the best Android emulator for PC. Just follow the instructions and everything will go correctly.
We’ve all used Android once time because is the most popular system available today. So consider it important to have an application for emulates this system in our computer, either for work or because it is more comfortable to play or work from our PC. This is the goal of Bluestacks.
In this page we offer you the possibility to download Bluestacks 4 and also we offer you an installation guide explaining everything in detail so you do not lose in any case. We will call this Guide to Bluestacks.
We recommend our website for any topic related to Bluestacks and we invite you to read the full article that in addition to the download links includes essential info for the emulator installation as the requirements and features for installing the emulator, in addition to different tips. You have the download links available below.
Download BlueStacks 4 for PC/Laptop with Windows XP / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Baixar Bluestacks 1 Pc Fraco
- Títle: BlueStacks App Player
- File name: BlueStacks4_native.exe
- File size: 531.85MB (531,190,024 bytes)
- Requisits: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, de Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (Works in all versions)
- Languages: Multiple languages
- Licence: Freeware
- Last update: December 25 2020
- Developer: Bluestack Systems Inc.
- Official website:
What is Bluestacks App Player?
Actually Android has become the mobile operating system per excellence. That means 3 of 4 mobile devices use Android. This fact has brought to the market thousands of applications for this system reaching a big numbers and a very large market share. These applications can be from video games through work or entertainment applications to biometric or health applications. This has made these applications we have on the phone are exclusives for Android and obviously has emerged a new need: Use these applications in other devices such as a computer with Windows or a computer Mac.
This is why BlueStacks has arrived to stay. It offers us the possibility to enjoy the experience we have of these applications but now from our computer. On this way now you can enjoy many games and apps that you would have always liked to have on the PC.
As you can imagine BlueStacks is a titanic engineering work because the architecture and operating systems of a mobile with Android and a PC are very different and getting a good result is very complicated. But it not only achieves a good result, it is also a reference in the ambit of the emulators offering a product with a very good quality and polished to the last detail. That’s why millions of people already use BlueStacks on their laptops or desktop computers.
The time has come to download the links that I mentioned on top and start enjoying this great emulator with games, using WhatsApp, Snapchat or any application you also want on the PC. Just choose the version you want to download and proceed with the download directly from the download links you have below. It is also possible to Download Bluestacks for Linux and Download Bluestacks for Mac. Just click on the links.
All the files you are going to download are located in the official BlueStacks servers through their CDN system and it is completely safe so you will not have any problems with the software you are installing and you it won’t add additional programs. The online installer has 14 MB size and the offline installer has 530 MB approximately, so it is not a light application, but not heavy. We have included of course the latest version of Bluestacks 2. So I would like you to appreciate the work done and share this page in social networks.
Description and Features
BlueStacks App Player is a program that runs Android applications and mobile games in your browser in full screen, either on PC or Mac.
- Very customizable environment and user interface adjustable to your needs.
- Work with games, including keyboard and mouse.
- Technical support is for multiple operating systems.
- It’s integrated with Google Play.
- Supports multiple languages.
- You can install Android application icons on your desktop.
- Allows software designed for PC.
- It installs by default the most important applications and Android games like WhatsApp or Clash of Clans.
- Supports Windows XP
After installation BlueStacks App Player can be configured for social networks like Facebook or Twitter but can also be configured to use Google Play so you can enjoy your favorite applications and games from your mobile phone also on your computer !.
Installation Requirements
Despite its simplicity, Bluestacks has minimum requirements to be able to work properly under Windows, we describe below:
- Windows XP, 8, 8.1, 10.
- 4GB of RAM memory.
- 5GB of hard disk space (9GB recomended).
- GL compatibility with advanced graphics features (latest graphic card drivers).
- Bit Defender incompatible.
- Internet connection.
- Be admin.
Many computers display compatibility error: GL Not Compatible
When this happens this can be for two reasons:
- Your graphic card is obsolete to run BlueStacks.
- You need to update the GL Drivers of your graphics card, perform a windows update or download them on your own.
If your computer pass these requirements you will not have problems running BlueStacks!
Installation Guide
Installing Bluestacks on your computer is very easy. You only need to download the BlueStacks App Player executable (.exe) and proceed to run it to start the installation (running as administrator). I recommend that before this update the GL Drivers of your graphics card to avoid possible error messages and if your computer is portable connect it to the power supply. Once the installation has started, we just have to follow the steps that are indicated and Bluestacks will install correctly on your computer.
If there is any complication during this process do not hesitate to write to the team in the contact section and we will help you as much as possible.
Common errors in BlueStacks
Bluestacks doesn’t usually have many problems to install, but there are some known exceptions quite common in the installation process. Here we describe some of them:
Error 25000: The most common problem registered, is due to an incompatibility with the graphic libraries of your card.
Solution: Update the graphics drivers on your computer. If the problem still persists after a successful upgrade, maybe your graphics card it’s not compatible with the minimum requirements of BlueStacks, so you won’t be able to install this software.
Incompatibility with BitDefender: Bluestacks is not compatible with BitDefender so the emulator can’t be successfully run if BitDefender is running.
Solution: Disable or uninstall BitDefender.
High installation time on laptop: Sometimes the installation is complicated because we have the laptop in energy saving mode and the graphic requirements are high causing a very slow installation.
Solution: Activate the computer to the power supply or to disable the energy saving before proceeding to the installation.
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BlueStacks App Player is an amazing software application which turns your PC or laptop into an Android device. So, effectively we can run all those apps on our PCs and laptops which were previously possible only on android phones.
Don’t worry; this miraculous software does not turn your Windows or Mac operating system into an Android. BlueStacks for Windows or BlueStacks for MAC creates a virtual Window over your OS to run Android temporarily and you can travel between your OS and Android.
This software was developed and is owned by BlueStacks, a Silicon Valley based company. A few months ago, BlueStacks app player was totally free to use but now after installing the software you will be able to use it free for a short duration after which it costs you 2$ per month or its equivalent rupees.
BlueStacks app player is an easy alternative to run Android apps on your Windows or Mac systems. It is completely risk free and can be used without any apprehension. But, keep in mind that it enables you to synchronize data from your Android phone to the system on which you are using BlueStacks. So, you should be cautious that you install BlueStacks only on your personal devices and not public or shared ones.
- Bluestacks app player allows you to install and use Android apps or games right on your computer or laptop with Windows or Mac operating systems.
- The software is very affordable and you are not forced to pay for any hidden charges or paid features.
- It has an excellent and easy to use User Interface which provides steady navigation and ensures smooth performance (latest version).
- You can login using your Google account to synchronize your features so that data between your Android device and BlueStacks app player stays common and is easily shared.
- Easy installation is provided with both online and offline installers present.
There might be a few other methods to install and operate Android OS on your PC or laptop but the popularity of this software shows that there are few ways better than BlueStacks app player for a layman user.
Download Bluestacks For PC Laptop On Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP
As already mentioned above, we can install BlueStacks app player using both an online installer and an offline installer. Using BlueStacks online installer is not recommended if you have a weaker internet connection or a slow internet speed.
So, let us see how we can install Bluestacks app player using an offline installer.
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When you use the BlueStacks Offline Installer for Windows, you have to just download the required executable file once and then you can copy that to any system and you can install BlueStacks app player on windows at any time. Installing the downloaded file will not require an internet connection.
- Using your internet browser, visit the BlueStacks website and there you will be able to see a blue colored “Download” button. Just left click on the button to start the download or click on below link.
- Downloading of the BlueStacks app player will start in a few seconds. The File Size would be around 300 MB and the download takes some time to complete depending on your internet speed. This is the only step which needs an internet connection.
- Once the download is complete, you will see an executable file. Double click on the executable file to start the installation. Wait for some time for the installation to be completed.
- If you just follow the instructions provided on the screen of your PC, you will be successfully able to install it. After completely installing it on your PC, a shortcut is created on the desktop, and your BlueStacks app player is ready to be used.
Now, just open your BlueStacks for Windows and enjoy all the apps and games which are available for android users.
Download Bluestacks For MAC
- Using your internet browser, visit the BlueStacks website and search for BlueStacks app player for MAC OS of your required version.
- When you find the download link, download the package for Bluestacks app player offline installer.
- You might get a warning message while installing because the package was downloaded from the internet and not from official Apple app store. Don’t worry about safety as it is from the official BlueStacks website, you can just ignore the warning and proceed with the installation.
- You will get a DMG file as the downloaded installer. Double click on the file, after this the installation is simple. Now just drag the app icon to Applications folder present on your MAC. This installs the BlueStacks app player on Mac OS X.
- Your app is now ready to be used and you can enjoy your android apps without any hassle.
Download Bluestacks 1 Para Pc Fraco
Now that we have seen the amazing features of Bluestacks app player which we can access without having to break the banks, let us go grab this app now and see who makes the highest score on that candy crush saga first in Bluestacks app player. Hope you like the article on Bluestacks app player. Do share it on social media if you like the article. If any problem during installation, let us know through comments so that we can help you.
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